Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Last Mass Observation

The wind is gentle today. Opposed to the hurricane weather we have had this week. I’m outside the Hub with my notepad and observing everyone and everything, some people walked passed giving me weird looks. I don’t blame them, if a stranger was staring at me with a notepad I would have done the same. I’m sitting on a steel, I want to say bench but it’s more of an urban bench with an unusual design, as I sat down the coldness startled me, once I grew accustom to it I continued to observe.

The amount of students walking in and out of those glass doors is amazing, if I was to guess my estimate would be more than 400 students a day. Observing the Hub really gave me insight to how many different people are here. There are students in grey joggers, to tight skinny jeans, denim jeans, some shorts and a wide range of different attire. Like a herd of cattle an ensemble of different coloured hoodies, jumpers and t-shirts walk in and as like a substitute even more students come out continuing the cycle of different colours.

As I go to put pen to paper I jump out my skin, little thanks to the pneumatic drill opposite me. The man with the luminous jacket seemed to be enjoying himself as he repeatedly struck the earth with the drill. Student’s walked past on their mobiles annoyed from the on-going noise. I see a girl, no younger than 21 I would say; possibly a first year. She has a green Edge Hill hoodie and grey jogging pants with white trainers, what caught my attention was the way she started to sing Adele’s Set Fire To The Rain, I hate to be mean but I thought thank god for the pneumatic drill, I’m pretty sure the girl to my left with metal in her face or snake-bits whatever they’re called was pretty thankful too.

As it’s close to lunch my stomach sounds like an angry dog growling demanding to be fed. But observing has really took control over me; students walk out with hot dogs And plus the welcoming scent from the canteen is torture to me.

One final observation now, as I look to my left and then my right and straight forward to the Hub I’m pretty pleased I picked this place. Because in three years, that’s a whole lot of mass observation.

Dale Curran

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