Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Last Mass Observation this year

My Observation of Edge Hill UniversityOne, two, three agents surround the entrance to the university. The Edge Hill University faculty team. To my right, three students are standing with notepads in hands most likely jotting down the same things I’m scratching into this sheet of paper, further down next to them another student sits down carving into her notebook and at her left two senior citizens (most likely staff) are crouched over their laptops. In front of me a young man attired in the most casual shirt and jeans stands with a look of bemusement hanging on his face; probably wandering why him and the creative writing party have been given such a hopeless task. His expression and his thoughts are quickly shared by the rest of his fellow peers. Now the vicinity of the main entrance resembles a group of guards preventing the access to a restricted zone flooded with harmful chemicals, and a hoard of scientists recording every detail and possible revelation the event may bring.

Flowing into the body of this institution is the best life has to offer, but looking out of it makes me wonder if where being selfish. It seems like the rest of the world is missing out on the marvellous attractions this place has on show, attractions which are no doubt exaggerated by the poor unlucky folk who are unaware of life within this educational fortress. Its green fields are perfectly complemented by the classic designs of the buildings adjacent to it, bastions of knowledge ready to fly the flags of progression and learning by any means necessary.

The university itself is a beatific smile to those outside it, an artificial expression created by those who so badly want to utilise and better the talents and abilities of the young. This seems like a harmless goal at first thought, but when I stare at the beauty of Edge Hill University an unexpected uncomfortable feeling is brought to me, this institution is an almost perfect lie that stresses and promises that everything is and will be OK, when all know that it never quite is.

Akeem Balogun

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