Thursday, September 29, 2016

Mass Observation 2016: Beach and Bench!

10.30 - Beach

A quiet site, fountains can be heard around me along with the faint beeping of a truck reversing, suddenly the sound of people laughing interrupts and I can see them walking by. Across the bridge, underneath them a duck can be seen dipping it’s head into the waters below. I fear for how cold the water must be. With small brushes of winds, I feel the first signs of winter push against me but also the trees and plants too.

11.10 – Creative Edge Bench

A small insect marches his way across the table I sit upon, taking no notice to me as I scribble down his movements into my journal. His movements are slow although his little feet move quickly, all repetitively going back and forth until eventually he disappears over the edge of the table, I wonder where it is the small insect is going.
Suddenly, a familiar sound creeps into my ear as the group from earlier comes walking and laughing by, all of them with hands full of grocery bags. Something catches my eye behind them as a small duck comes making his way away from the pond, it’s orange beak bright against the deep green landscape, it’s bright beak picking against the grass, until it eventually waddles its way into a bright green bush.
Out of nowhere comes a couple and their Golden Retriever, a surprising sight to see on-campus. Its delightful smile is a nice addition to the scene as it makes its way into the Creative Edge building.
Small clusters of people make their way across the campus, all going their own way, no sound can be heard from them at all, even the ones right in front of me are as quiet as mice. Only the fountain in the pond can be heard as it sends streams of water into the murky pond, and even the sound of that is faint and easy to forget about.

I start to take a look around me, paying close attention to the sights around me, trying to take it all in.  The sky is a light shade of blue today, with small strikes of clouds etched out across the blue canvas. In front of it lies the Creative Edge building, big and bold it stands tall. With its boxed design, all dark shades of grey except the bit of red that creeps into my vision just to the right.  Then to the left lies a giant clump of mud, squared off by metal fences, although it doesn’t add much to the image it is a sign of progress, a reminded that the campus is constantly growing. In front of it is a tall and skinny tree that stands firm against the cold winds, with its light vibrant green leaves only slightly shaking against the winds. Suddenly the winds calm down and for a second the sun glares down on me and I feel hot, I take this time to enjoy the feeling and I smell the nature surrounding me and it feels nice to know that is what is around me.

Charlie Cairns
PS There is a 'beach' at Edge Hill. I've never seen it, but students have. (ed)

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