Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mass Observation 20-15: Hessian, Bicycles and Black Sofas

If the Bicycle

Leaves blowing around the almost empty running track, with the only sign of any activity being the red bicycle, which has been propped up against the wired mesh surrounding the perimeter of the track. Pointing as if it would almost begin to all by itself complete laps. Overlooked by buildings the seemingly warm sun lulls passers-by into a false sense of security, as the wind hits them forcing them to pull their coats just a little tighter around themselves. Of course, if the bicycle were to spontaneously move from its spot, where it has been propped precariously against the railing, it would have numerous spectators. As those walking round engrossed in their day and shielding themselves from the wind, would surely look up to notice this event. The group of girl’s hoods up knees held tight to their chest sitting watching out the windows may also notice, as although looking slightly worse for wear, they are paying attention to their surroundings. As the world continues to go on whilst they try to recover from the all-night party they recently returned from.

Megan Marsh

The Gardener


Loud, brass, coughing and grunting the man in the cream curved cap digs and sings. This is his Eden. As he gazes over to see, me, the intruder, he sighs and carries on with his work. The hairy black caterpillars that lay above his eyes raise in unison as he swipes sweat from his forehead. He turns and embarks on his small adventure. It takes one step onto the mighty red metal stead alongside to neatly glide over the green inked blades of grass. As he comes closer and closer to me the grass inclines and dips as he rides the wave of leaves that pile in the crevices of his wheel arches. He motions his hand for me to move off of the grass, and his shortly lived smile suggests some politeness. He is a kind of God, I suppose. He makes his space thrive. He protects it. He nurtures it. I see him move away and his shoulders are hunched as he flies starboard towards the edge of the green. The assured Captain swings round and catches a glimpse of a fellow grounds woman on her vessel, and gives a hearty wave. The two of them crossing paths like a swan song on lawn mowers as they carry their work out. But the quietness that surrounds the secluded gardens is disrupted by this noise. The deep, rough sound of the engine disturbs the resident birds and they fly startled overhead. Even the nervous rustling of the trees cannot compete. Machine, man and nature in a noisy harmony. Beautiful.


Dan Thomas


Mass Observation


The wind is rustling as a crow lands on the branch of a tree, noticing the instability of the surface it is on it flies away. A man with glasses and a grey coat enters the building, leaving the faint scent of aftershave in his wake. Another man, with a blue sweater walks by with his hands in his trouser pockets, stops and takes out a lighter with which he lights the cigarette on his lips. A bald man in an orange coat arrives, followed by two other men, one with grey hair and a black coat, the other with a blue sweater and a small bottle of what I think is semi-skimmed milk in his hand. Deep in discussion, the first man talks about his son and his A-levels.

A red bike is standing up against the fence that surrounds the running track, there are sheets of plastic on the ground with puddles of water covering them. Pigeons fly past in a group, battling against the wind. Several people walk past always looking down and avoiding eye contact when a girl with a green top, black leather jacket and white shoes passes by with her earphones on, looking ahead and smiling to herself as she enjoys the music she is listening to. A red haired man walks past for the third time now, still holding on tight to his envelope however this time he is not alone.

Cecile Meyer Schofield



Hessian Fabric

The building sticks out among the older red bricks. It’s bright red like a giant fire truck and looks like it’s made of pleated metal slats. Inside is artwork from art and design students. One of the pieces is a papier mache creature that stares at people as they walk in through the automatic doors. It looks like Dobby the house elf wearing a Victorian shawl. A group of people are sat on the table opposite, they don’t know each other; they are introducing themselves. There is a white wicker chair diagonal from my seat; two ragdolls – one wearing a pink dress and little pink shoes, the other wearing green trousers and a beige shirt – sat with each other in the wicker chair. Neither of the dolls have facial features; just a blank section of hessian fabric.

The art in the room is all dark colours, beiges and blacks and yellow ochre. There are a few pieces that are bright and colourful, all neon and splatted. Some of the pieces are on mannequins, there’s a corset made of red plastic party cups, and a big white dress with giant ruffles on the shoulder. It’s made of paper. Another dress is to my side, a hippy/earthy type maxi dress; it’s all tie dye and beads, and pretty colours that wouldn’t match in any other situation.

The sun is fickle about shining. At one moment the room is lit up from each of the large windows, and gets decidedly warmer, but in the next it dims as clouds cover it. Some clouds are dark and grey; some are white and bright where the sun is reflecting from them.

Outside there is greenery along the path towards the entrance. A large fuchsia bush sits outside the automatic doors. The contrast between the dark green leaves and crimson teardrop petals is pretty. Across from the fuchsia are some light purple flowers whose name I don’t know. They might be posies. There is a willow tree – I think it is a willow tree – just at the beginning of the path. The base of the tree is shielded by the drooping branches and leaves. It looks like a good place to sit when it is warm.

People walk past the building now and then, often in groups of 2 and 3. No one comes in. It’s very quiet bar the thrumming of some machinery (a printer or a computer of some sort) and the people of work in the reception can be heard talking and then their laughs echo through the building. Their heels can be heard click-clacking on the tiled floor.

The buildings are all quite different. Some have been built recently, they are all blue tile and glass with box shapes and hard edges. The older buildings are red brick, these buildings look softer somehow – the roof is half an octagon – these older buildings look like expensive houses.

Qachina McKeefery




The Diary of New Happenings – A First Year’s Perspective


25/09/2015 10:33                   Edge Hill University Lake

The place is tranquil yet misleading. It mirrors the campus around, for there appears to be a lot going on in one place.


25/09/2015 10:45                   Edge Hill University Lake – Grassy Bank

One didn’t think it was possible but one now find themselves alone and outnumbered. The only option is to succumb to admiring the army of ducks that continues to pour onto the grassy bank, no-one in particular apart from oneself able to fathom that they are the new masters of this educational realm.


25/09/2015 10:47                   Edge Hill University Lake – Path Away From Bank and to Bridge

One noticed a bridge and a way fourth to another section of what surrounded the lake and trekking away from the army now turned menagerie of ducks has now come upon a café with a sitting area.


25/09/2015 10:55                  Edge Hill University Lake – Café at Lakeside

One stood around for two or three minutes. A hoverer to some and merely not worth taking a secondary glimpse away from the goal of their geographical B point to others. Sigh…


25/09/2015 11:03                   Edge Hill University Lake – Café at Lakeside

 One decided some time ago to plant oneself at a wooden table in order to have a proper leaning place for proper writing. It doesn’t exactly solve the problem of quite possibly catching hyperthermia but in this instance temperature must be ignored for the sake of art.  


25/09/2015 11:05                   Edge Hill University Lake – Café at Lakeside

The choice of less common sense appears to have been best. As I write I see a young man. Most likely a second year wearing a navy green coat and smoking a cigarette, he wears what only comes to mind as being a glazed over look and his puffs appear to not only be a bodily function but a reflection on his current mood.


25/09/2015 11:10                   Edge Hill University Lake – Café at Lakeside

 It seems lack of common sense is contagious. There is a door not too far from the table at which one currently sits and it is clearly labelled as “Automatic Door”. It seems the label isn’t big enough because a group of girls just tried to open it and when it opened a girl positioned was nearly bonked in the face. Having avoided an injury of glass to flesh all she could say was “Rude”. Automated doors don’t exhibit feelings but if it had I feel sure it would have produced a flat finger and shown her just how rude it could be.

25/09/2015 11:15                   Edge Hill University Lake – The Side Opposite  

Having up stakes and left the post at the wooden table situated by the lakeside café and decided to carry on the exploration of the watersides surroundings. Taking the pathway round one came upon two other individuals. One male. The other female. They were laughing and joking, breaking the tranquillity just as the ripples on the water that can now be seen from the current position are breaking the barriers of soundless silence on the element in which they travel.


25/09/2015 11:23                  Edge Hill University Lake – Black Sofa in the Medical Science Building

After following the path for a short while one has now walked into a building belonging to the medical science department. It is quiet. The melodramatic buzz that one would usually associate with such a stereotypically action filled profession is not present in here.


25/09/2015 11:37                   Edge Hill University Lake – Black Sofa in the Medical Science Building

Having been sat here for a while the atmosphere has dramatically changed from that of peace and mysterious quiet to a near commotion. I’ve seen one or two people walk past the lifts that can be seen at the far end of the room, the medical department not without its own way of categorising inner patients.


25/09/2015 11:43                 Edge Hill University Lake – Black Sofa in the Medical Building

Quick quick everybody run! A red-haired lady who is as round as she is enthusiastic has just called across in the form of an announcement to what one can only assume is a college or perhaps a third year student that there is cake. She appears to be a very knowledgeable sort, the glasses perched on her button nose a sign of both knowledge and sight that is clear… well clear enough to know everyone loves cake and it is important to spread the message about it far and wide.


25/09/2015 11:55                  Edge Hill University Lake – The Chancellors Court Mini Lake

Having walked now to the other end of campus, one has come to the lake opposite the Chancellors Court complex. Now standing by the little lake one can see steps leading down to the water, almost as if they deliberately added the feature as some type of incentive for anyone who dare wish to dive in and pleasure themselves with the company of ducks and algae. Like sectors when the dawn has come, no-one passes by, one can only see people in the distance walking in and out of the bright red building known as Creative Edge.

Jessica Gilbert

1 comment:

Martin said...

All lovely collations!