Just beyond my view of the bright
Just beyond
my view of the bright, multi-coloured flags, pinned between two short stumped
trees, a man sits upon a large, yellow lawnmower. He has black muffs covering both
his ears, blocking out the angry sounds of the machine’s working blades, and he
rests one of his hands upon the top of his left knee, while the other tightly
grips the steering wheel before him. His body calmly tilts to the left as he
rounds yet another fat stumped tree, and now I find that he is coming towards
me, his eyes looking far beyond my shoulders. I have gone unnoticed. As the man
gets closer, the more I can distinguish his features. They are softening, the
hard cut edges now fading. It isn’t until he is just within a few meters away
from me do I realise that the man I have been observing is actually a tiny
woman, her hair tightly pulled back and her eyes covered with large, black and
rather chunky glasses. She seems much more skinner now that I can see her up
close, her cheeks somewhat hollow. The more I watch her, the more her
uncomfortable demeanour screams out to me; she’s doesn’t seem happy, at least
not today.
- Chloe Endacott
Edge Hill Library 12:00PM
second floor is coloured with white, green and grey. Walls block out the
outside chatter. Chairs and desks inhabit the space. Footsteps amplify and fade
into the distance. Coats are dumped on chairs, bags thrown under desks. Seated
on chairs are several students going about their hushed work. Necks craned
forward, heads bent low. Eyes fixed on illuminated screens. Fingers poised,
they dance to the beat of taps and clicks.
wind matches
The wind matches
the students’ mood, relaxed and carefree. A small number of students either
alone or in packs wandering in and out of the sun and the shade.
In a patch
surrounded by trees stands alone a single statue. A statue resembling a woman
forged with welded steel. Does it represent strength of woman? Or just a piece
of art? Not much is to be known, only that it is called "Bingo Bongo"
and that it is my safety not to touch.
A group of people
stand lost seeking help from what appears to be another student, although I cannot
judge them as I am now also lost.
Two young students
sit typing on their phones, one startled by a wasp and the other about to
As the sun gets
hotter the crowds get bigger. One half dressed for the earlier chill while the
other dressed for the warm glow.
I saw the man
again, the first time I saw him was on the bus, the second in the student
cinema and again walking past in front of the business school. Each time
dressed smartly. I’m leaving guessing what exactly he is here.
It is hard to
please everyone on one university campus but by judging the line in front of me
there is one way to please them, free hotdogs.
I have some
questions about reading lists and textbooks I was hoping to ask you?
-Ailís Mc
I sit, alone, watching what the world has to offer drift past me. Most pass
through without a second thought. Others stop and over think to a point of
confusion and panic about where they’re even going.
A man passes through then back again with a newly
acquired woman. He is a blind man with a beautiful golden canine assistant. The
world is dark to him just as it is colourless to the dog. Whereas the rest of
us must endure the sun’s beam smashing through the countless windows spread around
the building. The sun’s beam reflects off the already harsh white surfaces that
covers the interior of the building structure.
People stop and stare for a subtle moment at the
visually impaired gentleman and his furry companion. Perhaps because a blind
person is an uncommon sight and we are always drawn to the unusual. Or perhaps
it was his trusted four legged friend that, although it spends its days
sniffing butts and eating raw meat, was looked upon as elegant and majestic.
Others pass through demand no attention from the
people that have congregated in this space. Three men with dirt on their thick
brown boots; freshers dazed and confused wondering where they are and why they
thought that extra shot of vodka was a good idea the night before; an experienced
student casually searching for his misplaced jacket; proud yet exhausted
teachers; people looking for that desperately needed hit of caffeine to get
them through the day.
The cashier of a small shop in the space wished she
also demanded no attention. She scowls with her eyes half shut as if the
universe has short changed her. People thank the cashier but she just sighs and
rolls her eyes or avoids eye contact all together. An attitude, I’m sure, the
out of place exquisite traditional neo gothic stairs would take about being
surrounded by such impersonal modern structures if it were to become animate.
However, linked to the modern complex is an older
building that shares the neo gothic style of the stairs. As I walk down to this
side of the building one is greeted with brick and stone walls which is a
contrast to the unsettling harsh white paint of the modern walls. The
traditional garden square in the middle reveals beautiful greenery as well as a
fountain with a both scared and endearing looking child holding itself as its
centre attraction. In contrast to the busy modern area that keeps you alert the
sort of neo gothic style of the rest of the building relaxes me. The dark
wooden doors with golden handles; the small windows dotted down the corridors
reveal vibrant purple, red and white flowers as well as interesting artistic
structures and even the sound of heels hitting the floor as people walk has a
somewhat relaxing tone.
I walk up the two flights of stairs passing no one
as I climb to greater heights. The only sound is the echo of my shoes hitting
the ground, although, quite loud it is not deafening. The sound gives me a
sense of importance, a sense of existence. However, I am quick to realise that
the beauty of this neo gothic half of a building hides its ugly secret needed
maintenance rooms, on the top floor.
Returning to the modern side of the building I see
that a long queue has formed outside the small shop. This queue is full of
people longing to get their hands on a hot dog. All have vouchers out,
clutching them tightly as if they were a precious gift that someone may attempt
to take. This is a very common occurrence with vouchers especially among students,
I find. Saving money wherever they even though often this means they buy
something they don't eve’ want as they could get it half price. Four girls walk
past carrying at least two full shopping bags each. Clearly they have taken
advantage of every voucher they’ve found.
The occasional moments of human silence is
something I appreciate as I sit outside. The ambience of all the human voices
together creates an almost static like sound. However, within the moments of
silence birds can be heard. They sing a beautiful bird song that is constantly
drowned out by the common human. Sitting here and very occasionally hearing
these beautiful natural sounds makes me realise that perhaps I too drown these
unappreciated sounds out through the loud music I listen to and the loud
conversations I have. Would be incredibly peaceful if one day everyone just sat
in silence during the day to listen to nature and turn no light on at night to
view the wonder of nature in the sky.
A la Breakwell
There are automatic
doors in the glass walls at either end of the foyer. Worn handles adorn the
doors behind me; automation has been added only as a hasty afterthought.
They sound like a forklift truck lifting a heavy load each time they open and
close. The doors in front are purposely automatic and sound like the yawn of a
giant, a swallowed inhalation on opening succeeded by a contented outward
breath as they close behind each person.
There is a sun
bright yellow cherry picker parked inside the foyer by the giant’s mouth. It
hides two embarrassed fire extinguishers which nestle, inaccessible, in the
corner. The cherry picker is very clean. It has a name. “STAR 10”
is printed boldly on the arm extending to the basket. It reminds me of a
Beyond the glass
wall in front of me, a flame haired girl smokes and clutches a cup of coffee.
She sits and her liquid metal hair pours forward as she checks her tiny
phone-box-red smart phone. She is wearing a scoop necked leotard and
furry boots. She sighs and, still grasping her untouched drink, wanders
towards the dance studios leaving behind a glowing magmatic cigarette stub.
Even when the doors open no smoke follows her. She smells of showers and
Two cleaners meet
amidst an eddy of dancers streaming towards the theatre door. The first
watches the passing troupe and says, “Still two hours but I want to go home
The other smiles an
inaudible but encouraging answer. “I want to go now,” the first spits back.
A pony tailed man
enters the foyer from the toilets. He gasps loudly with relief as he presses an
icepack over his left eye. The giant’s mouth breathes with him as he
exits. His waiting friend manages a concerned, “What on earth happened?”
before the doors close. Then he grins and grimaces all at once as he
watches the accident replayed silently and in slow motion.
The doors open and
close, editing conversations, as people pass through.
“Very odd
September, isn’t it?” a breathless bearded youth asks his disinterested
friend. He answers himself confidently, “Probably summer hasn’t realised
that it’s over yet.”
A deep North
African accent proclaims, “We love you Claire!” Claire giggles and puffs up
like a proud hen when the man continues, “You have made our nights so
exciting!” Claire ducks into the toilets.
Creative Edge/running
Two ducks casually waddle past me as I walk to the
lake. I sit on the freezing cold bench, behind me a girl drops her phone I see
her quickly pick up her I phone and carry on walking. The noise of the fountain
flowing in the lake is loud and calming I listen to it as groups of two and
three pass, one group of three stop and write something on their phones before
continuing walking. A man passes riding a bike he is wearing a black helmet he
goes the same way the group of three did. There are two people carrying rugby
balls and cones they are wearing blue sporting tops one with shorts and the other
with track suit bottoms. Two girls sit on the bench next to mine eating crisps
and talking one is wearing a blue wooden beaded bracelet on her right wrist,
the other the one eating is wearing a black and white stripe top and blue
skinny jeans with canvas shoes. Someone is talking on the phone walking behind
me I hear her talking and hear her shoes against the stone pavement. The two
girls on the bench next to mine freak out because a wasp was near them, they
stand up and move a few steps away from the bench. The one with the blue
bracelet lights a cigarette and smokes it while the other is on her phone. A
few people by themselves pass by quietly. The girl finishes her cigarette and
the two girls walk off into creative edge. A short distance away from me are
more benches but they have tables, there are two people sat alone at two of
them both sat facing the lake. They both sit there writing on either a notepad
or phone. Four people pass behind me in groups of two talking they walk into
creative edge. One of the people at the other set of benches is wearing a red
hat I see them look up for a few seconds before returning to write on their
phone. The other is wearing a grey hoodie. Groups of people pass behind me
talking between themselves. A pigeon lands on the grass next to the lake and
walks up to another before they both fly away. A small girls with blue hair
passes the other benches and then by me and enters creative edge. I see the people at the other benches watching,
waiting for something. More groups pass
by me talking they walk down by the lake and pass creative edge making their
way towards Chancellors south. The people on the other benches look down
writing. A duck appears near the lake on the grass looking for food, it combs
through the grass carefully with its head down; it stops and looks up before
returning to its search. It stops and looks at the lake before walking towards
it and carefully falling head first in to the lake, I hear a faint
"plop" as the duck hits the water behind the fountain. There's a
woman carrying two green carrier bags on the side of the lake she walks towards
the accommodation in Chancellors south. A person sits on a bench near mine with
a laptop on their lap, arms folded looking at the lake through their
sunglasses. They tilt the laptop and examine the edge for a few seconds before
returning it to its upright position. They have a black bag on the floor
between their feet, I see them glance around and look at me before typing. I
look back at the other benches and see the person with the red hat looking up
before writing on their phone. There is a wasp near the person with the laptop
but they don't notice it. They take their sunglasses off and squint at the
screen before putting their sunglasses back on, glancing around and typing. A
man in a blue hat and hoodie walks nearby watching us both as they pass. More
people pass next to me. I see the person on the laptop look at me but quickly look
away when I look at them, they keep looking around and they typing. Three
people with note pads pass by me and sit on the bench next to mine and begin
writing in them. Two men with light blue tops on walk past us pulling recycle
bins behind them, they walk to creative edge and leave the bins outside near a
wall before entering the building.
Other side of
the Creative Edge building
There are four people sat under a group of trees in
the shade, who have not books and look to be working. The wind is blowing the
pages of one of the note books as the girl looks at the page she's using.
Near the beach
There are two ducks swimming in the lake, one dips its
head into it. Both ducks move onto the bank where there are another seven ducks
lying down or sleeping. The two go back into the lake swimming round and
dipping their heads. There's a person sat on the other side of the lake with
their legs crossed using a laptop. There's a small bird with stick thin legs
walking on the path behind me, it walks a few steps, stops, then carries on and
repeats this in an uneven circle. A magpie calls nearby and the small bird
slowly moves further away and continues its circle. Another duck enters the
lake and dips its head in to the water. The person across the lake looks like
their struggling with their work.
Creative Edge/
running track
The person with the laptop is still here and two of
the people on the other bench next to mine but they pack up their notepads and
leave passing behind me as they do.
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