Friday, September 27, 2013

The First Batch of 2013 Observations

The Unexpected Occurrences


Sitting on this withered bench seems to open me up clearly to the possibilities and happenings surrounding me.

The leaf blower lets its temper get the best of it as it scurries away the golden flakes that lie on the ground, growling “GET OFF MY LAND!”

The man moves, no, hurries across the campus, a bomb strapped to his chest, ticking away each second, each tick making him move quicker and quicker towards his destination.

A young, naive boy slithers around the floor, his trench coat billowing behind him as he searches and searches.

An inquisitive girl reaches into her bag. She cannot find her desired object, so she dives into her belongings head first feet last, emerging only two hours later with her mobile phone, thrusting it into the air victoriously!

A mini convertible goes rushing through the lane of the campus, bearing the words “FOOD” as it blurs past me.

A woman walks past, a piece of cloth wrapped around her neck in the wind, wrapping tighter and tighter, strangling her she moves.

A small rabbit cosily lies on the grass. As a group of boys go past shouting loudly as they quote their previous night out, the rabbit transforms into a tiger as it pounces out of sight.

A middle aged woman strides past, bin bangs covering her feet and lower leg; maybe she is taking recycling to a whole entirely new level.

The monster of “The Hub” building opens and closes its jaws constantly, allowing its prey to enter at its own free will.

 “What you don’t understand, is that I am going out with you”; either this girl on the phone is simply trying to salvage what is left of an impending break up, or her stalking has got to her head.

Christopher Hales


Ducks Swam….

The surrounding greenery made the campus look suspiciously resemble a park rather than a University. Tall, bushy trees surrounded the back of the dark blue lake, while tall grass covered the surrounding areas.

Ducks swam round the lake in an endless quest to find some sustenance.

Crowds of people passed by, however you could easily spot the fresher’s from the others for practically all obtain jumpers, shorts, pants or t-shirts harbouring the University logo.

Swarms of students file out of a building, relief evident across their faces as their lectures are over.

One girl. Short brown hair tied up, short, wearing black leggings and a grey cardigan passes by the lake, her head turns violently in every direction almost as if she’s lost or afraid of something.

A lone bird stumbles along the grass in a hurry to find some discarded food. It reaches the water line and stares aimlessly across the water.

Two girls cross over the grass, their walking symmetrical. They are both speaking; however their words have become a jumbled mess that nobody can understand.

A man and a woman pass by, looking very out of place wearing suits. They’re walking fast-paced and talking loudly as they go.

A group of girls cross the path, laughing loudly, talking fast while one girl trails behind, looking so lost and out of place. She eyes her surroundings as if hoping something or someone will save her from the dreaded conversation the girls are having.

Students surround the lake, parked on benches and eyeing the scenery. Three ducks in a group wandered over to them, staring up as if expecting to be given food.

A boy walks by, wearing a black t-shirt with the words ‘I am not normal’ printed on the front of his shirt. Despite the freezing cold weather he’s combined that t-shirt with a pair of thin red shorts that fall to his knees.

Four girls slowly pass by, weighed down by at least ten shopping bags each. Tired, and forlorn expressions plastered all over their faces despite the hundreds of products they’ve just bought.

A boy and girl walk side by side, the girl shouts down the phone in a loud, whiny tone while the boy lowly mumbles incoherent words with one finger in his free ear, blocking out the loud, harsh voice of the girl beside him.

A man passes by, holding a water bottle in one hand and an apple in the other. He loudly chomps on the apple, taking chunks of it as he speed walks. In almost one mouthful, he’s finished the apple and discards it in the wild mass of grass.

A food truck pulls up outside a wide building. Two large, burly men begin unloading boxes and carrying them inside.

Jennifer Byrne

For Once

It's sunny for once which gives the lake a calm and serene appearance, a group of students are walking along it looking half awake and still half asleep from the night before which probably involved alcohol, they're talking but I can't tell what about, more people with sport bags and iPods in their ears making the world around them oblivious and non-existent, girls are laughing, probably about something small and menial but laughing nonetheless, although people are walking and making the lake seem vibrant, it remains still and slow as if waiting for something to happen.

There is a cafe here where people come and go in big and small groups either to get a quick pick me up before a lecture or taking a shortcut to class. Just the background music of music playing in the background and the interaction between the waiter and customer is relaxing and calming so much so that it is making the man in the cafe fall into a peaceful doze whilst reading a novel to which I can't see the title, must be a tedious novel as he abandoned reading his book some time ago.

Two boys have walked into the cafe and appearing as the personifications of light and dark as the first boy has fair skin and hair whilst wearing light coloured clothing whereas his companion has dark hair and is wearing dark clothes which emphasises their difference, yet at the same time they seem to complement each other, they leave the cafe and continue on with their lives as everyone else does.

 Holly Proctor



A flying saucer squats on the horizon at the outer limits as the wind dashes across the campus, as if to hold back its lego-like expansion. Dry leaves rush to populate the newly turned soil before the carpet fitters arrive with their squares of turf. As the sun glances awkwardly off the roofs of cars lined up like Daytona, students weave between them, feeling their way around the expanding site.

Murky brown water laps at the edges of a concrete cliff, already freighted with litter as the constant stutter of generators and compressors  powering  the small army of yellow contractors, drowns out its music. There’s a whiff of diesel as the bus glides by, empty, masking the odour from the huge pile of fertiliser that’s been dumped by the bridge.

The red orbit of the track is quiet now, a clutch of seagulls sunbathe at the centre waiting for their patrolling scouts to signal scraps. Nearby, three men stand around watching a fourth with a fairground hammer, waiting for the ding. Far above, the winds scrape glyphs across the blue sky and the tiny moon rides high like a bitten fingernail.

Under a can of beans, the Creative Edge tries artfully to disguise itself behind the new shrubbery, unsure what colour to choose for the best. Nearby, strips of white material swim like flatworms up the river to the steps, while behind something bobs furtively, waiting for its chance to surface.

New grass has been photoshopped onto the verges in broad strokes, alongside a makeshift fence denying access to a path leading nowhere. A straggly pine is restrained with steel cables so that the ivy can climb its narrow trunk.

A magpie strides lordly and confident past the inkcaps, shimmering blue in the low sun, a beady eye spears a late butterfly fluttering by like a fretful cinder on the breeze. The twin trunks of a beech tree spring out of the turf like a witch buried headfirst, feet kicking greenly, while behind, a bloody mess of berries wink tantalisingly.

The passage of traffic going by seems to speed up and I’m drawn like a rusty nail back to the hub, magnetic and central. Flowers nod their agreement in their cosy beds as I choose my swiftest path back to the centre.

Bill Bulloch

Observation outside the Creative Edge 10:30 – 11:00 27/09/13   


I sit in the shadows of the Creative Edge looking out over the sea of metal that seem to be the ever expanding car park. Two contractors walk by carrying a table between them seemingly arguing amongst each other about someone in a container before getting into their van and driving away. A student skirts the edge of the running track more immersed in the goings on of her phone than her surroundings as she carries her shopping home. The echoing engine of a plane comes from overhead crossing over the still present moon that seems to have lingered too long in the sky. Flashes of metal pass by through the bushes a never ending stream of traffic passing by on the many ways to somewhere. A man with torn jeans passes me by and offers me a good morning, I do the same. He seems to circle around before finding himself where he needed to be. From a small bucket he takes a damp rag using it to clean the walls of the Creative Edge moving along the expanse of wall hoping to finish the job. He stops coming to walk past me again awkwardly as he goes to meet his colleague who has arrived in a hired van – they talk for a while the accent seemingly lost to me apart from the few harsh words I discerned. From what I can see it seems that they are attempting to build a cleaning platform to aid in his task, nothing fruitful yet just a lot of noise and heavy lifting. Three now stand waiting with the platform discussing the building behind me, there look however seems to keep falling onto me probably curious as to what I’m actually doing here sat on this wall. Hard to be sure as sunglasses block their eyes. The cleaner returns answering the question that has overall halted their work, the platform will fit or round about where it was intended.

 My vision is blocked by the empty Edge Hill Link that trails past the building vans traveling through the car park to pick up more students I suppose. It reveals to me in its passing a man wearing a hard hat walking around in front of me a device in one hand as he surveys choosing which places he is to stand. If I look round to my right I see another student sat atop another wall coffee next to him as he hunches over a pad probably undertaking the same task as I am. Looking back to the begging of this I read that I began this by saying I sit in the shadows but now that is not the case.

 The shadows edge in now 23 bricks from where I am sat showing how time has passed since my arrival, truthfully the passing of time has been unknown to me as I immersed myself fully in my writing.


Craig Lee

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