Yet another reading at The Rose Theatre, Edge Hill, organised by the Writing Department
ALAN HALSEY 9 February 2006: 7.30 : 3 pounds
Alan Halsey is one of Britain's most versatile poets. His work ranges from textual poetry that The Guardian described as 'exhilaratingly explor(ing) language and ideology, running different jargons and discourses together' through to visual works available in both book and CDRom formats that collages image and text into a new entity. Much anthologised, Halsey's books include A Robin Hood Book, an imaginative re-working of the myths surrounding Hood and the collaborative Fit to Print (with Canadian language-poet, Karen McCormack) which mimics the presentational techniques of the newspaper. He works as a bookseller from his base in Sheffield. He runs West House Books ( see )
Alan will be supported by Scott Thurston, who will be launching his first substantial collection, Hold, which is published this month by Shearsman Books:
Next event: Paul Magrs: Rose Theatre, 20th March: One of the most prolific young writers around, Paul Magrs is the author of several novels, including Marked For Life, Does It Show? and To the Devil – A Diva! He has also published Strange Boy, a children’s novel, and a short story collection, Playing Out. And he writes for Doctor Who.